
Blogs are the final bastion of free thought on the internet. I started this blog as part of a lost bet. I had to watch Cowboy Bebop and write about it. So I devoted four webpages to it, and then I promptly dropped all momentum I built for blogging. I'm trying to get back into it, now that social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook have gone to shit. Microblogging is a waste of time anyway. It's a system of thought control; the less effort you exert thinking critically, the less likely you are to examine the world around you. Small form writing is a natural result of restraining your critical thinking. You are disincentivized from writing at length and considering the angles of an argument. One of the best pieces of advice I've received on writing is, What you don't discuss is just as important as what you do discuss, which is broadly true of long-form writing but not of short-form microblogging. Every tweet is a whole Wikipedia page of undiscussed information; every Tumblr shitpost is a short story collection of unspoken context. We can write the missing stuff. We can discuss what needs to be discussed and leave the rest on the table, rather than the other way around.

We need macroblogging. Maximalist thought.